Is this normal?
On the foot front, I am not too worried. Yes, it is sore, but I have another treatment tomorrow morning and I am not planning on running until I am totally pain free. The quads are just starting to feel better, and I no longer have to clutch at the railing when walking down stairs, which is a relief. It's still a slow way down, and I can't really attempt to carry anything heavy while doing this, but at least I am moving in the right direction.
However, the subject of this post is something completely different: the post race blues. I am itching to get back out there and run, but as mentioned above I am not going to until I am OK foot wise. It's the feelings of "can I do this again, and if so will I be able to push myself as hard?" that have me a little confused. The longer races I am planning on entering (Boxing Day 10 miler and the Around the Bay 30K) are so long that I am NOT going to actually race them, choosing rather to simply complete them at a decent pace that will allow me to keep training and won't leave me hobbling for a week afterward. How do you prepare mentally for another race (I'm referring to another event where you push yourself to the limit) when you now understand the pain that will be involved? Do the memories of pain fade with time to allow you to go hard again, only to be left with the same things to contemplate?
Anyway, it's heavy emotional stuff, and perhaps too deep for one of my shallow mental capabilities. Or maybe I am just having a tough time verbalizing the post race blues, but I've read about this phenomenon and I guess that's what's happening here. Some people take a long time off after a race (I know, I only did a 10k and not a marathon, but it still hurts!) and others like to get right back into training. If it wasn't for the foot I'd be running again already to work the kinks out for sure. Whatever the case, is there an inevitable letdown after every race, or only after those that you enter with a specific time goal? I can't imagine being too down after an event that you ran easy just to finish, but I'll find out soon enough.
And lastly, official race photos have just been posted from the Niagara Falls race. Here's a decent one - all the others make me look like I'm malnurished below the waist...
And oh yeah, an interesting article in todays NYT about what partners of marathoners have to deal with. I especially like one guy who purchased electrode therapy thingamajigs for $900, and justified the expense to his wife after they both agreed on fiscal restraint! Marathoners are a strange breed to be sure...
And as I write this - THE PHILLIES HAVE JUST WON!!!
Labels: day off, injury, race photo, touchy feely
Great photo! I signed up for the Boxing Day 10 miler at the expo. Nothing like a 25$ race. It will be my motivation after Philly. Great pic, and heal well!
You actually look like you're running in that photo. All of mine make me look like I'm speed walking ... minus the speed.
Post-race blues are the first signs of addiction. FYI.
If you stay focused on the big picture, and the fact that you want to be running and racing for the rest of your life, you will shake off those blues. Nice race pic.
Post-race blues are typical after any 'big' race because of the big emotional buildup going into the race. The more you race, the less this will happen. Even so, I've done more than 100 races and I always keep my race calendar full so I can turn my focus after a race to the next one on the list. It works for me, but try some different things.
Great race photo, and great race report - I'm running a 10k this weekend, I can only hope to do as well as you did.
I also liked the NYT article, not sure if I want to forward it to my wife or not...
yes totally normal :)
i have found that sometimes when my legs are really sore, going out for an EASY short run makes the soreness go away quick.
great pic!!
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