Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Swimming Again, and Wasting Away

I managed my first lunchtime swim finally, and it was a bit tougher than I'd anticipated. The cardio was fine, but my shoulders are definitely not used to this and they were the first to feel the burn. I didn't have too much time since a morning meeting went a little late, and then I had to take about ten minutes to select and buy a pair of goggles (mine are packed away somewhere in a box still from the move last May). Once I got my stuff in the locker and was ready to go it only left me about 20 minutes to swim. I managed 1200m, of which 400 was kick. Man, I'm slow!

Vent: I will only mention this here and try my best to never bring it up again, but why do slow-ass people choose the FAST lane and then get the hell in my way??? There were like 2 people in the MEDIUM lane, and one in the SLOW lane! (I considered moving over, but didn't want to piss those people off.) Not only are these folks slow, they swim wide with inflexible arms that flail away like seagulls fighting over day old bread, giving the lane rope the widest berth possible for touching it would be disastrous, and pushing off the wall to do yet another slow-assed lap right as I am ready to flip turn and keep going on my merry way!!!! The lifeguards ignored the whole flailing arms thing of one guy who I'd have pulled out cuz he was struggling mightily at one point - it wasn't my wake that made him choke, BTW, but I almost wish it had been... then again, maybe it was, maybe it was...


OK, that's enough of that. Perhaps it's just that there are too many keeners out there starting out a new semester with visions of attaining athletic physiques or something to that effect. I suspect many will drop out and return to their sedentary lives... One can at least dream, right?

On the wasting away bit, I weighed myself at the UofT gym on what I can only assume is an accurate scale - very big, very digital. As the machine was flipping numbers, slowly coming to equilibrium, I had a sick feeling that I was all of a sudden way lighter than I'd ever expected to be. Sure enough, the number shot out at me like a slap in the face:

188.5 lbs!

What the hell! Now I have to be worried about not eating enough rather than eating too much. My strength at the gym has not diminished so I figure that muscle mass is not the issue, but I can't believe I had that much fat to lose. Anyway, I'll have to monitor this a little bit and hope that it stabilizes because, if it doesn't, it won't be long before I start resembling a drought victim! Perhaps the scale IS wrong???

So, tonight I went off to the gym to do my usual routine, and also to test the scale there. This time with shoes, shorts and a t-shirt, as well as two large hamburgers in my belly, I topped the scale 192.5lbs. I guess I can average the two and come out at around 190.5lbs or so, which is still much lower than my target weight of 195lbs. I don't know what to make of this, but I'm beginning to suspect that my goal was set more with what I remember to be a good weight for me and not taking into account all this running. Anyway, I still feel OK, but I don't think I should be getting any lighter - you know, what with winter coming and all...


  • 10 minute stationary bike warm up
  • Bicycle Crunches 50-50-50
  • Dumbell Bench Press 12-12-12 55lbs
  • One Arm Dumbell Rows 12-12-12 40lbs
  • Dumbell Military Press 12-10 40lbs
  • Lat Pulldowns 8-8 145lbs
  • Biceps Curls 12-10 65lbs
  • Rope Triceps Extensions 12-12 40lbs

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Blogger FLYERS26 said...

I weighted myself tonite, and I was down about 10 lbs from June.
It's the running.
Glad you got into the pool, and don't sweat the slow pokes.
Next time you have that issue, mention something to the lifeguards, maybe they didn't realize the situation.

September 9, 2008 at 9:48 PM  
Blogger Marcy said...

I swear, it always works out that way (with the slow people being in incorrect lanes) running, swimming, driving, what gives?!? LOL

September 10, 2008 at 10:08 AM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

I have to agree with Marcy. People are idiots or just damn inconsiderate (or both). You see it in swimming, driving, running, even with shopping carts.

September 11, 2008 at 2:14 PM  

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