Day Off, Drilling In More Than One Way
After a couple of Tylenol and a few hours of rest the frozen face was no more and I was feeling a little better. Not wanting to waste the entire day I decided to venture out for a haircut. I hate getting my haircut almost as much as visiting the dentist, so you can imagine that it was time to go. Also, if I'm to start swimming then having shorter hair will be a must.
Anyway, I arrived at the hair place and was informed that it would be an hour and a half before my turn, so I sat there thinking what to do with myself. Go back and watch Jankovic vs. Dementieva? ie. sit on my ass again? um... No! Instead, I was off to get a coffee and the Home Depot to get going on the calf stretching machine. A piece of plywood, some screws, four hinges, and some non slip tape and I was out of there. Wow, in a Home Depot for less than four hours! A record for me.
So, after the haircut (nothing interesting to tell) I dug out the jigsaw and drill and went to work in the garage. Although the Home Depot did not have 3/4" ply in a small enough piece (I hate waste), I decided to get the 1/2" and make do. In the end I had to double up on the part where one has to stand so that the thing wouldn't bend under my weight. Here's the result:
Anyway, I set it up to go up on four different angles so it should be good to go for a while. I am supposed to stand on this thing for at least ten minutes every night. Having already done so to test the thing I can report that it definitely works! Soon I'll be as flexible in the lower extremities as a synchro swimmer... NOT!
Tomorrow morning I'll be off for an 8km run to test the knee again. Tonight, it's more ass exercises for me and prickly boobs.
Sorry to hear about your dental experience. But kudos on that ankle/calf stretchy contraption. Nice work. You are way handier than I will ever be. I am impressed with your discipline in implementing the physio's advice.
By the way, I like getting my hair cut. I find it relaxing.
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