Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Softball and 5k Maintenance Run

The workplace is on a "promote healthy lifestyles" kick, and as such I was involved in a friendly softball game this afternoon with the folks from my office. A little too much sprinting with not enough warm up and the knee is feeling it, but we won and got sweatshirts for our efforts. Nice!

After getting home, post picking up of the older loin-fruit, I headed out for my usual Wednesday 5k "maintenance" run. This would normally be a day of intervals, but I really have to wait until the knee is 100% before attempting those again. Anyway, what I try and do is a decent pace somewhere in between slow and race pace, which for today was in the 5:20/km range, give or take a little. I managed to complete the 5k in 26:33, a 5:18 pace (translates to about 8:30ish per mile pace), and it did not feel that difficult. This pace would have really been a test a month ago, so I know I am making strides. The knee was definitely more sore than it has been in a week, so that sweatshirt (and, more importantly, the bragging rights) came at a cost. Also, I was supposed to go by a grocery store on the way home to pick a couple of things up for dinner and ended up walking way more than expected. After the 5K I walked 1.4k to the store, and then about the same distance back home for a total of 3.8k of walking, including the usual warm up.

Tonight I'll be icing, then later stretching. I might even take an Ibuprofen if I still feel pain there before going to sleep. I hate taking pain killers, but this would be as per physio's orders.

Garmin don't lie.

Last thing, I added the pace conversion chart at the bottom of my sidebar. Now I will be able to easily understand (read: easy to find, not necessarily comprehend) the training and race reports of all the American bloggers that I read!

Update: Here's a picture of out winning softball team. I'm the tall dude standing up with the hat.

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Blogger Marcy said...

Wow, looking very nice on that 5k! Whooo Hoooo. Progress!

September 11, 2008 at 9:56 AM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Nice job kicking some co-worker ASS. Wear the sweatshirt proudly.

September 11, 2008 at 2:47 PM  
Blogger Nitmos said...

Sometimes Garmin do lie. But probably not in your case. Good luck with the wonky knee.

September 11, 2008 at 3:26 PM  
Blogger Nancy said...

I figured the race pace was for us so we could understand you!

The workplace should be careful, they might promote injury in the less active peeps. :P

September 11, 2008 at 3:35 PM  

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