Monday, June 24, 2013

Misty Mountain Hopping

Finished off my longest week since the "comeback" at a respectable barely worth noting 50km. Nevertheless, it's a milestone of sorts for me so there...

How, might you be wondering, did my running add up to such an impressive number?

Well, there are two reasons:

Reason 1: I ran to and from work for the first time in several years. 9km there, 7km back. Normally on a Wednesday I'd only run 6km, so this added 10km to the total right there. Bang!

Reason 2: As I sat on 37km for the week waking up Sunday morning I had a 10km run on the schedule. Naturally, as the injury prone yet motivated and competitive (with himself) runner is wont to do I had to run 13km to get to the aforementioned magic number of 50km for the week.

And there it is.

Lastly, here's what I ran through on Sunday near the cottage:

Nice and foggy, and the roads are very quiet. I've already mentioned that it's hilly, and you can see a drop off coming up in the first picture, which was the direction in which I was running at the time. Both were taken from the same spot, from whence I came, and to whence I was going...

The out and back elevation profile is always fun too (first photo was taken just before the 4km mark I guess):

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