Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hatching a Plan

Well, it's been a while and yours truly has been ruminating and contemplating and riding the roller coaster of general malaise that comes with one ever so partial to injuries both small and less than small. In short, I've been thinking about running. In brief, I actually have been running, but it's been so pathetic that I've found it difficult to document said running attempts.

Nevertheless, the Earth has not stopped spinning as, as per my one and only resolution, I shall keep trying.

With that in mind, behold a new Training Plan! It's a beginners plan with much easiness built in that I stole off of the first site that popped up on Googler when I did a search with some things called "keywords" that I have since forgotten, but I'm sure included "for the injury prone", which is just super. Although it is not clear, this plan also comes with a (yet to be registered for) race!

Pittsburgh Half Marathon, May 5, 2013!

I figured another trip to PNC Park for some baseball was in order after last year's great experience, and since this fine weekend coincides with the above Half Marathon it was a natural fit, like boxers, and very unlike boxer briefs, which are most decidedly the Devil's work...

Now I just have to pull the trigger on the registration. I've booked the hotel, but that can be cancelled for free, so...

Onward, and blah blah blah...

UPDATE: Disregard that statement about still having to register (and everything else, for that matter). I am now $108USD poorer! Lousy service charges...

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Blogger Robin said...

Good luck with the training. Slow and steady!

January 17, 2013 at 8:35 AM  
Blogger Vava said...

Thanks Robin! No trouble with the slow part. It's the steady that seems to be elusive for me of late... Cheers!

January 17, 2013 at 9:43 AM  

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