Friday, September 10, 2010

Crunch Time

I'm pretty sore from my first week of weight training in about two-and-a-half weeks, and that surprises me because I really thought that the lay off would have me feeling re-energized and pushing more weight with the same amount of effort as before. Instead, it has been a week of lower weight, less energy, and sore muscles.

I managed a leg weight workout yesterday and kept it super light. Despite my care in saving the legs I woke up this morning with tight quads and sore groin muscles. It didn't stop me from running though, but I still seem to be having issues with waking up and getting going in the morning.

Once again I didn't hit the streets until 6am and, therefore, was limited to only 10.5km. I had been hoping to run at least one 15km distance this week, but it was not meant to be. I'll have to be satisfied with the fact that I managed three 10k's and that my heal, although still bugging me, has allowed to me run at all. This weekend I will be spending all of Saturday playing in a golf tournament (the one in which I won the closest to the pin contest last year as well as the overall trophy with a partner), and then on Sunday I will venture out for my last 20k+ run before the marathon.

Two weeks from this Sunday I will be cruising along towards becoming a marathoner. It's crunch time!



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