Friday, September 3, 2010

Trying to Get Back

I've been off for a bit after last week's running in the Gaspe, Quebec for a couple of reasons. The first is the right heal is just not feeling very good and I've decided to take this week to get it as healthy as possible. Another is that my legs are definitely feeling the effects of all that August running. It was by far the biggest month of running in my life, and reflecting on it I find that I ran more than a quarter of all my 2009 mileage in those 31 days of August. No wonder I am feeling a bit sore! And the last reason is that we were traveling back home and did a lot of driving.

Anyway, tonight I decided to try things out and ran a slow 9km through familiar territory now that we are home. The heal was a bit sore in the first couple of kilometres, but it really didn't bother me that much throughout the run. My legs just felt dead and I am a bit concerned that I will not recover in time for the marathon, but I also realize that I have a full three weeks from the Sunday and should be fine as long as I can get healthy. The base is there, or at least there is nothing more I can do about it at this point. The goal has always been to make it to the starting line healthy, and that is the focus for the month of September. I have no mileage goal for this month as a result and, therefore, no guilt for this "off" week.

On a last note, I am now at 1602km for mileage during 2010, which is less than 10km from the 1000 mile mark! A new milestone is on the horizon.

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