Thursday Running - Strange but True
I walked the boys over to their school bus and then set off walking for a bit, all the while testing my achy foot. It seemed okay, though a little discomfort still lingered. I thought about plantar fasciitis coming back to haunt me, but pushed those thoughts aside and told myself that only running could fix what ailed me. (Right? If it hurts run! What, am I wrong? And why does Blogger's spell checker not have "fasciitis" in its dictionary? It always suggests Fascist. Dumbass Blogger...)
Anyway, after two kilometres of walking, during which my wife caught up to me on her bike, I set off at a slow and easy pace while chatting to her about lunch plans and such. Once those things were settled she pulled away on her commute to work and I continued to run. It was pretty good and I actually surprised myself with the pace I was able to maintain. The total ended up being 5km at a decent pace of 5:50/km. Not fast or anything, but given that on these morning commutes I am trying to keep my heart rate nice and low so as not to break out in a sweat it was not bad at all!
I decided to skip my regular leg workout due to the fact that my legs were still pretty stiff from the last session on Monday and that I'd also have to run home at the end of the day, choosing instead to hook up with Mon for lunch. It was good.
The total for the day was a decent 13.75km and I am also running to and from work tomorrow, though I will not be running to his school afterwards and, therefore, my mileage should be kept in check. Must not let it get too high prior to my weekend long run or I know some part of my body will bite me in the ass.
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