Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Stiff, Sore, Running More

Had a tough time waking up, but for the third Tuesday in a row I dragged myself out of bed and out the door at 6am for a run. This is a real accomplishment for me given how hard it is for my achy body to get moving early in the morning. I am a morning person, and am quite chipper in fact (as my wife would attest), but my muscles, tendons, ligaments and all that do NOT like it when I first go from horizontal to vertical.

I decided to not run on grass this time, however, given that I had that twinge in the right foot from last week's soccer ball chasing episode. Instead, I ran up, around, and through the affluent part of Toronto known as Rosedale for a glimpse of how the other half (or, more accurately, top 1%) live.

My legs felt really stiff and sore from Sunday's long run and yesterday's leg weights, but I figured just go easy and things will improve. Indeed they did. Although I never was in danger of setting any PR-type pace, I did manage a good run and completed 10.65km in a little over an hour.

Good times!



Blogger Ace said...

Well done, those are the tough runs to get done. Early mornings no less!

May 11, 2010 at 2:18 PM  

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