Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Back Road Intervals

Went out for another run along the country roads of the County, this time attempting some interval type training. I decided to run up and down the gravel road that leads to the cottage we are borrowing since that would mean no dog encounters (or so I figured).

I ran 2k to warm up and then started into my planned 800m intervals with 500m easy jogging in between. I wanted to do five sets and then have another 2k of cool down at the end to complete the intended 10k run. My goal was to run the 800s at 4:00/km pace, so 3:15-ish for each rep or so. The hills along the road, as well as the loose gravel under foot, made this even more challenging. Also, the two ladies that came and stopped on the side of the road with their two big dogs meant that I had to go out onto the main road for the last two reps (no leashes, so no Vava). The stats went like this:
  1. 3:20 (4:10/km)
  2. 3:09 (3:55/km)
  3. 3:15 (4:02/km)
  4. 3:11 (3:57/km)
  5. 3:09 (3:55/km)

Other than the first split I think it went as planned. I was a bit tight and relatively tired when heading out before breakfast, still yawning occasionally during the warm up. That, and the hills I encountered along the gravelly road, perhaps explains the miss on that first 800m.

Next up is another tempo run on Friday. These I find the toughest to get up for, mentally speaking.

Garmin don't lie.

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Blogger Marlene said...

Nice interval workout. Great job nailing them - especially on a gravel, hilly road!

July 8, 2009 at 3:06 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice job! Have fun on Friday!!!

July 9, 2009 at 7:36 AM  

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