Wednesday, April 29, 2009

A Long Hump Day

Today was the classroom portion of the privacy certification process, with the exam coming up on Friday. The day was full, with the first half going from 8am until 1pm with one short break, and then the second half from 2pm until 5pm. Let me tell you, this exam is going to be more difficult than I expected! At least it's the Canadian version, and not the one for our neighbours to the south. Canada has a more comprehensive (read all-encompassing) legal framework and comparatively fewer laws that I have to study. The American model required 8pt font for all the laws to fit on one PowerPoint slide! (At least that's what it looked like to me.)

Anyway, after all that, and much too much coffee ingested by yours truly, I sped off for home while Mon rounded up the troops in time to take Malcolm to his T-Ball practice. I stayed with both boys for the session while Mon went off to do some groceries (how do you "do" groceries, anyway?). Then, upon her return, I was able to run home. It is rather convenient that where they practiced is almost exactly 5 kilometres from our house, which was the distance I'd planned to run.

From all the sitting and stuff over the course of the last two days my foot was not feeling very good and I didn't know what to expect when I started running. In fact, I wasn't so sure I'd be running today at all. As I started out it felt tight and the bottom, right under the arch, felt like someone was lighting it on fire. I've become accustomed to this feeling, and waited patiently for it to start to subside. As it did I was able slowly pick up the pace. Given that this Friday will be a really late day with the privacy exam and then Owen's tryouts for a "select" baseball team in the evening I will likely not run at all that day (not a bad plan given the race on Sunday) so I wanted to get my legs moving a little bit tonight. I ended up negative splitting each kilometre and felt pretty good for the most part. My heart rate was all over the place, and I think the chest strap was having issues or something. I can't believe that I hit 185bpm in the first part when I was running slow! If that is the case I am in real trouble for the race.

Anyway, here are the splits:

  1. 5:40 (9:08/mile)
  2. 5:17 (8:30/mile)
  3. 5:03 (8:08/mile)
  4. 4:51 (7:48/mile)
  5. 4:34 (7:22/mile)
The 5km took me 25:27 to complete, for an average pace of 5:05/km (8:11/mile). I won't bother mentioning the average heart rate on account of the monitor snafu described above.

Garmin don't lie.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good luck on the test tomorrow! I hope try outs go well for your son.

April 30, 2009 at 8:36 AM  
Blogger Marlene said...

Nice pick up for each kilometre! You should be in good shape for a speedy 10K this weekend.

Good luck on the exam!

April 30, 2009 at 11:23 AM  
Blogger Ace said...

Rock that exam! Just like you are rocking the negative splits, good job!

April 30, 2009 at 11:34 AM  
Blogger Marci said...

First off congratulations. I was told the course is off by 0.5km. You normally have extra distance for a race, but not that much it will be interesting to hear what others found. My watch read 10.7km at the finish!

May 3, 2009 at 1:22 PM  

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