Thursday, October 2, 2008

The postmortem - It's Aaallllllllll Good!

Yes, the day after I really pushed myself in the 5k and everything seems good. The knee feels great, the ankle is good, and I am rejuvenated to continue with my training as I head towards my first ever running race on October 26th. Also, a big Thanks! to all the folks that left comments on my last post - for the first time I hit double digits in comments! Your encouragement is very much appreciated. A special thank you for the sobering comment from Beachrunner who said "You never learn. LOL" - It's true man, but I try, and fully intend to slow down my runs heading into the race as I slowly continue to up the mileage. I know, Yoda says, "Do or Do Not. There is no Try.", but he's just a freakin' character in some movie based on Spaceballs, so what does he know anyway? I mean, am I really supposed to listen to THIS:

One word: toothbrush. OK two words: toothbrush, hat. And dude, whatever it is you are smoking, you had too much! Watch this for proof, though I have no idea what the images have to do with the skit, which I think was made for radio.

By the time the Niagara Falls 10k starts I will be so jumpy and ready to run fast who knows what will happen. May the Shwartz be with me!

Today was another lunchtime swim, and I was a bit more fatigued than normal. I still completed the first 1500m at my usual pace, finishing 22:54. Then a 300m cool down, for a total of 1800m in about 28 minutes, and I was out. On the way back to the office, as I was totally starving, I decided to hit up this great little Thai takeout that I frequent when I forget to bring my own lunch. Alas, the place was closed! Plan B was good too, probably the best Shwarma in the city, but I wanted more food. The Shwarma is huge by Shwarma standards, but the Thai place lets you load up a container with whatever you want, buffet style, as long as the container can still close. Oh well, next time...

Tonight I squeezed in a short workout at the gym. Not very inspired, and in fact I feel a little worn out, so I just did some light weights and got the hell out of there. Looking forward to the off day tomorrow, and I am alone with the boys for the evening so it should be a fun movie night for the three of us.


  • 10 minute stationary bike warm up
  • HS Chest Press 20-20 85lbs
  • Lat Pulldowns 20-20 100lbs
  • Dumbell Shoulder Press 16-16 25lbs
  • Seated Rows 20-20 85lbs
  • Biceps Curls 18-18 45lbs
  • Triceps Extensions 25-25 40lbs

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Blogger BeachRunner said...

Way to go. ... but repeat these three important words after me:

Rest and recovery.

I know you know it, but if you walk the walk and talk the talk, you will thank me later when you rock Niagra Falls.

Thank me you will.
Signed, Yoda

October 3, 2008 at 8:28 AM  
Blogger Marcy said...

ROFLMAO at Beachy!

You workout twice a day? Dang you rock!

October 3, 2008 at 9:40 AM  
Blogger Aron said...

awesome job on the workouts!

October 3, 2008 at 12:25 PM  
Blogger Lily on the Road said...

hahaha BR, that is very good advice, oh learned one!

Niagara is still pulling me towards the falls....maybe I'll be there! Not sure yet...

October 3, 2008 at 12:48 PM  
Blogger joyRuN said...

I know, Yoda says, "Do or Do Not. There is no Try."

Poor dental hygiene or not, I LIKE IT.

And yummy Thai food - sounds like a good day all around.

October 3, 2008 at 2:56 PM  
Blogger Frayed Laces said...

How did I miss it that you haven't run a race yet? I thought you were a race veteran! How exciting---your first race! Woo!

October 3, 2008 at 4:43 PM  
Blogger Felice Devine said...

Rock on! That's awesome that you didn't have any problems today. Keep it up!

October 3, 2008 at 7:37 PM  

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