Thursday, June 23, 2011

Technical Issues

I HATE when stuff that you expect to just work doesn't. Whether it's my ankle or some other body part, or my bike when I rely on it every single day, or my computer at work/home when I need it to, you know, do important things like upload Garmin data from my morning run.

I'm of the opinion that a training run is not actually complete until it's been uploaded to Garmin Connect and scrutinized appropriately for it's intricacies and nuances. Oh yeah, look at the split at 12km and the elevation at the same point in time. THAT'S why it's 15sec/km slower than my average. Huh!

Anyway, a couple of days ago some malware attacked my work computer and, poof, all my stuff went bye bye. Luckily, as any good information professional is want to do, I lost nothing because it's all backed up. I'm still struggling with making the computer the same as it was before the bug hit, but at least the major disruption lasted only about half a day.

This morning my Internet connection at home was down when I returned from my 16km General Aerobic run and tried to upload my data to the aforementioned Garmin Connect website. This was much more frustrating for some reason than the work computer being affected by that malware. I did not have time to diagnose the issue and/or find a solution. Therefore, my data is stuck on my Garmin where it is next to useless. I like to keep things up to date and this is screwing up my neurotic tendencies.

I realize that in the end this is a really minor thing. In fact, running as a form of exercise should be possible without electronic tracking gadgets and such, but part of the appeal are the endless stats that my training generates. Without those I think my motivation to continue would very quickly dissipate. And that's a scary thought. Like I said, running SHOULD be possible without electronic gadgets. It just isn't for me right now.

So, when I get home tonight my Internet connection better be up and happy or I'm going to be down and grumpy.

All I remember from my quick check of the Garmin as I deleted that last lap of 3m to make the stats nice and clean (I already mentioned my neurosis for stats, right?) was that it took me 1hr21m and change to finish, I included a bunch of hills in the Beaches as usual, and my average pace was right in the proper zone at 5:07/km. Once I get those stats into Garmin Connect I'll be able to verify.

Until then, my run seems frustratingly incomplete...

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Blogger West Grey Runner said...

Vava , keeping track of stats is an important part of reaching your goals. We have some cool tools that really enhance and motivate us. The gadgets are just a part of our techy world that can't be escaped. A day will come when you set it all aside and just run ..maybe in retirement :<) .

June 23, 2011 at 4:20 PM  
Blogger Vava said...

I agree, and thanks for the comment. I hated running until there were metrics attached (as a former swimmer I knew exactly how far, how fast, etc. for everything I did). I just think it MIGHT be nice to run simply for the pure joy of it someday. Who knows. Maybe that day will never come, but I'm cool with that too. It's not like I don't enjoy running now!

June 23, 2011 at 4:33 PM  

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