Friday, May 27, 2011

This Week's Theme: Keep on Truckin'

Well, it's Friday and I've made it through the short 4-day week (almost) post-Aruba pretty well intact, but a bit out of sorts. It's been really tough getting back into anything resembling a routine, but I have been running despite my brain not function at it's normal below average levels. My forgetfulness has reached an all time high as I keep leaving things that I need at work back at home, things I need to take home back at the office, and on and on.

Anyway, I'm sure things will settle down eventually. Meanwhile, at least I have lots of sunset photos in my desktop background rotation. Here's one that you can feel free to use:

As for the running recap, here's how the first week back home has been going:

Monday was a totally "off" day as we arrived from Aruba at 2:30am and were woken up by the younger loin-fruit at 6:00am. No running (as usual), and no weights.

Tuesday I slept through my alarm and only had time for an easy 5km jaunt. It was OK, I suppose. In the evening I was able to run again and did a couple of loops around Withrow Park to include a bit of hills after dropping Malks off at Beavers. The total was 6km and I ran it a bit faster than I probably should have, but it was fun. In between I managed to fit in a chest and arms routine at the gym over my lunch hour.

Wednesday I woke up on time after a rather poor night of sleep and ran my typical 8.5km route. It felt better than my recent runs and I was happy to have done it. At lunch I hit the gym for a back and shoulder workout. My left shoulder/collar bone has been bothering me for a few weeks now so I kept things light and actually felt a bit better afterward. Use it or lose it, I always say...

Thursday was a no running day (or so I thought) so I did leg weights at the gym. I kept it really light since I haven't been doing weights in a few weeks and it was OK, but I definitely felt it. On my last set of lunges my left quad nearly cramped up so I backed off of those and continued with the rest of my routine. Then, after I learned that Owen's baseball game for the evening was going to be cancelled due to rain, I took the boys to the track and ran a total of 5km mostly in 400m repetitions after the first 1.4km section where I ran from home to the school.

Friday (today) I got up just before 6am and had just enough time to run the same 8.5km route that I did on Wednesday. It was slower and a bit more creaky on account of the leg weights, but I felt better at the end than the beginning. My legs are not feeling all that hot despite the fact that I've backed off on the mileage so I have to be careful to let them fully recover prior to digging into marathon training in mid-June. This afternoon I'll be back at the gym for some upper body weights of some sort.

Have a great weekend!

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