Friday, March 4, 2011

PR in Training

You know you're slow when you can PR in training, but it still feels good!

This morning I finally nailed a slow recovery run. I tend to go just a bit faster than I should on recovery paced runs so this was no small feat. I ran 8.5km and kept my heart rate in the 135bpm range, and for the most part it was below that. Mission accomplished!

Then, at lunch I went over to the gym for what I've previously described as the toughest run of the week for me: the steady state. The last time I did this I managed to redeem a previous failure at ran at about my current 10k PR pace for 45 minutes, which is just three seconds slower than my 10k PR. That was close enough, but today I jacked it up just a little bit:

DurationSpeedPace (miles)Pace (km)

As you can see I still ran for a total of 45 minutes at steady state (ish) pace, but I increased the speed to 8.5mph for the last five minutes. I figure that probably got me to 10K in a new PR, but I don't have the energy to figure out exactly how long it took me to cross that point. In any case, it was tough, but totally doable and I was not completely gassed at the end. The total distance for the run ended up being 7.36 miles (11.84km). The total for the day, therefore, is a decent 20.3km!

Alright, I lied. I had to know and so did the math. Turns out I crossed 10K in 44:52! That's a 5 second PR if we are to assume that the treadmill is calibrated properly, and I did set it at 1% incline for what that's worth.

Now I'm ready for the weekend, which will be very busy since Owen has an out of town basketball tournament. In amogst that I will fit in one short recovery run and a long run. If all goes well this may end up being the longest mileage week ever for me! Keeping my fingers crossed...

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Blogger Nelly said...

wow, 8.3 mph for 40 minutes is really impressive, you are a machine! I did a couple miles this week at 8.5 mph, but I don't think I could have held on for 40 minutes of that, haha

March 6, 2011 at 3:04 AM  

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