Sunday, February 27, 2011

Longest Recovery Week Ever

I realize that my mileage is put to shame by many runners, but for me hitting 50km in any one week was and still is a bit of a milestone. So when it happens for the first time during a recovery week I'm allowed to be a bit impressed with myself.

Mother nature decided to dump a bunch of snow overnight and I had to do the last run of the week on some pretty crappy sidewalks. The footing was not good at all and my feet were pretty soaked by the end, but in the end I still had a great run. The goal was to run about ten miles and I ended up doing a bit more, finishing with 16.65km at a decent pace (4:58/km, 7:57/mile). This brought my weekly total to 50.8km. I hit that mileage only once in 2009! It was during training for my first marathon attempt and I broke down not too long afterwards. Now this distance seems like a minimum. The next milestone I am looking forward to achieving is 100km in one week. I hope to get this done long before my marathon training starts in June. If I get there it will mean that I really have established a great base before getting down to marathon training.

Four weeks until the Around the Bay 30k and it's looking more and more like I will be using this race as a training run. Still time to change my mind...

And since I won't be running tomorrow this is also a good time to recap February:

Not too shabby. This was my second highest monthly total ever. The fact that I managed it in the shortest month of the year is pretty satisfying as well.

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Blogger Nelly said...

nice work! your training really is rolling right along. I think you will definitely be able to get to 100km in a week prior to your marathon training starting. I'm likely going to be following a half marathon training program for now, before my marathon training program starts in mid may or so...I think my max mileage of the marathon program will be 55 miles or so...

February 28, 2011 at 2:58 AM  
Blogger Vava said...

Nelly: 55 miles is not that far off from 100km so you'll be up there in distance yourself! As long as we stay injury free it can only lead to good things.

February 28, 2011 at 8:41 AM  
Blogger Nelly said...

yea for sure! It seems like we are going for the exact same goals for 2011! I'm following the Pfitzinger 18 week, 55 mile peak plan - I think the plan starts out at 38 miles, and peaks at 55 or something. I want to be in solid shape when I start the plan in mid may, which I think I will be by then, especially since the run I did yesterday went so well. I will defintely be tracking your progress on how everything goes.

February 28, 2011 at 6:27 PM  

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