Sunday, August 8, 2010

Massive Attack (of mileage)

This has been an historic week and weekend for someone other than JP Arencibia. We went to the Jays game yesterday and saw his 4-5 night, with two HR, a double and a single. His four hits came on the first four swings of his MLB career, and that's got to be a record...

But enough about overpaid athletes. Yours truly also set some milestones this week as a result of today's long run.

I had in mind to run something in the range of thirty to thirty-five kilometres and was feeling rather lethargic. I guess baseball park nutrition is not a good way to prepare for a long run, but that's how it was for me.

Anyway, I'll cut to the chase (mostly because my feet hurt and we are trying to get out of the house to go see some tennis at the Rogers Cup). I ran a very evenly paced 34km, and in the last ten kilometres I actually picked it up a bit and ran faster! Nothing earth shattering or anything, but it was a good confidence builder (though I'm still not sure that I can manage another 8km on marathon day!). The whole thing took me 3:13:51, so at least I know I can stay on my feet long enough to BQ, now I just need to run longer in that same time frame.

That marks my longest training run ever! And, on top of that, this run pushed my weekly mileage up to 80km! (Just about 50 miles I believe.)

Next week I'm taking it down a notch and giving my legs a rest. There will be at least one more long run of this variety before I am ready for the marathon at the end of September.

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Blogger Bert said...

A 50-mile week! You are entering some pretty 'serious running' territory... Somehow I think you will do very well come September.

August 8, 2010 at 10:57 PM  
Blogger Ace said...

What? hot dogs not good for training? Ruh roh.

Grats on an awesome week, things are really coming along for you!

August 10, 2010 at 10:12 AM  

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