Friday, July 30, 2010

Just Keep on Chugging Along

This morning was one of those "gotta get the run in" sort of things. I woke up at about 2:30am and could not really get back to a real sleep, and then out of the blue my alarm went off at 5:30am and seemingly shocked me right out of a deep sleep! I had a tough time getting out of bed as a result and didn't hit the streets until a minute or two after six.

This morning I was planning to run easy for a dozen or so kilometres and that's exactly what happened. I chose the same route that I did a while back when I had major GI pain towards the end and am happy to report that the route does not seem to be the reason since my stomach held up OK this morning. After a slow first kilometre I managed to maintain a very steady pace throughout the entire 12km and did not tax myself all that much in anticipation of my long run, which I am doing tomorrow rather than Sunday for reasons already given. I am now just 16.5km away from my monthly mileage goal for July, and tomorrow's run should definitely get me over the hump.

Should be a great long weekend here in Canada, so if you are Canadian enjoy the three days off! (And if you are not and have to work on Monday, have a decent two days as well.)



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