Saturday, January 23, 2010

A Really Tough Run

After my first full week of weight training I am more than a little sore, though it is a good feeling and I am glad to feel this way because it tells me things can only get better and the ceiling is way up there. Along with that comes the highest mileage week I've run since last Summer, making things even more difficult. In a month or two this will be considered a real short and easy week, but now it's a bit of a milestone.

So, when I headed out for my morning run I was not feeling so hot. My legs were sore, I had very little energy, and the wonky ankle was hurting me more than I'd like. Nevertheless, I was determined to put in a good 10k or so, no matter how slow it was.

I chose a new route just to make things interesting and ran through one of the more affluent parts of town. Although I felt totally out of place the houses and properties I saw along the way kept me distracted from my pain.

I ran a total of 10.5km at a very lethargic pace, but was happy just to have finished. The weekly total ended up at 29.5k and my body is ready for a nice recovery week. I will run just three times next week and max out at 22k before getting back to building up mileage in February, hoping for a weekly average of 30k for the month.

Tomorrow it's back to cross country skiing! And some football watching, no doubt.



Blogger Andrew is getting fit said...

Those tough runs are the ones that test us!

January 24, 2010 at 2:05 AM  
Blogger Shannon said...

Yahoo on the run! Football is definitely in order for me too today and a 8 mile run. :)

January 24, 2010 at 8:14 AM  

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