Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lingering Effects

That twinge I felt on the outside of my left knee is still lingering like a bad smell, though it has dissipated somewhat. After Sunday's run I was really worried since the pain was such that it hurt just to walk. On Monday I woke up and didn't feel as much discomfort, though a few hours of work in the yard and washing the car, etc. didn't do it much good. I had meant to rest, but whatcha gonna do? Today walking feels fine, but biking hurts. I guess the easy answer is don't bike, but that's how I get around so as far as I'm concerned not biking is not an option. I went pretty slow at least.

I did make it to the pool for an easy 1000m at lunch time. That didn't hurt at all, which is nice. I've been thinking about just why this pain has crept up given that things were going pretty well for a while now. At first I thought that it may have been my first set of intervals on Wednesday last week, but I felt fine afterwards and ran again on Friday without any noticeable pain in that area. Could I have slept on it wrong? Don't think so. Then Marci left a comment wondering if perhaps my shoes were shot, and the more I think about it the more I'm convinced that this is the culprit. Luckily I picked up a new pair of shoes on Saturday! Good timing. By all accounts, Mizunos seem to wear out faster than other shoes and I've put on roughly 400km (250 miles) on my current pair. Guess my plan to not wear the new kicks until after this week's race is not going to fly. Tomorrow I have an easy 5k planned, but if I am still feeling pain in the knee I will push that run back to Thursday. Right now I'm just hoping for the best and want to arrive at the starting line as pain-free as possible to run as fast as I possibly can for 5k, then I can crash and take a week or two off if I have to.

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Blogger Mel-2nd Chances said...

good luck this weekend.

May 19, 2009 at 9:56 PM  
Blogger Marlene said...

Here's hoping it's the shoes and the pain will now subside.

Good luck in O-town!

May 20, 2009 at 10:20 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

250 miles for a pair of shoes is pretty low. I usually get between 400-500 out of my Adidas.

May 20, 2009 at 4:49 PM  

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