Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Getting Smarter, Playing it Safer?

Yet another week of trying to be smart about my running and I think the approach, for the most part, seems to be working. A couple of weeks ago, as noted, I took one run "off" and got on the stationary bike instead for a 40 minute spin. Last week I decided another test was in order and on Tuesday hit the treadmill for a speed session. The idea was to see if I would be able to run four repeats of 800m in 2:52 or 2:55 with 2 minutes rest interval. These goals correspond to the Run Less Run Faster paces for either the 3:10 marathon or 3:15 marathon, in order words my "A" BQ and "B" BQ paces.

Anyway, it was a very tough workout, but I made it! There is an asterisk to the session as I took one extra minute of rest prior to starting into the last repeat, but not on account of the heart rate (which duly came down to 130bpm within 90 seconds each time), but simply because I was overheating as the gym had the worst stale air ever; absolutely nothing moving around in there at all and warm, warm, warm...

Long story short, the test was passed. But afterwards, maybe an hour or so later, I started to feel a pain on the top and outside of my right foot. This was not debilitating, but definitely worrisome. It was marginally better by Thursday, when I was to hit the gym for another run, but I decided to play it smart and safe and so it was back onto the stationary bike for another 40 minutes. I alternated one minute hard, one minute easy after a 5 minute warm up, and finished it off with a 5 minute cool down. It was a good workout, even if it wasn't running.

And so, as this past weekend came up, my foot was feeling better. However, coaching my little basketball team at the provincial championships had me focused elsewhere and a bit more than busy. Therefore, I decided to not run at all on Saturday. I woke up thinking I would get out there for an easy 4km, but the temperature had plummeted and it didn't seem like it was worth my time so I gave the foot one more day of rest. On Sunday afternoon, after coming home from the tournament, I hit the road for a general aerobic run where I managed a decent 10km in 50 minutes or so at an average pace of 5:02/km. My diet had been less than good over the weekend and this effort felt a loss worse than it should have, but I was happy that the foot was feeling 100%!

Today I hit the gym again at lunch and got on the treadmill for another general aerobic effort. I felt well enough after the first kilometre that I decided to do some faster sections, but not too fast. I alternated  1 minute at about 4:14/km with 2 minutes at about 4:52/km until I had run 9km total, then put in one more kilometre easy for a cool down. The total was 10km in 47:05 for a 4:43/km average pace. This was so much easier than my Sunday run and I am convinced that my diet affects me very clearly when training so I guess I'd better be good ;)

Anyway, things are going well. Another test is coming up on the training plan so we will see how I manage that. But for now it's play it smart, play if safe, and run healthy. I hope...

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