Monday, April 14, 2014

Tentative First Steps

It's been said before, and it will be said again. It SUCKS getting old. What exactly sucks about getting old, you ask? I suppose it's personal and subjective, but for me what really bites is the time it takes to recover from injury, or whatever ailment one may incur in the arduous process of trying to get to Boston. Other than that there are benefits to ageing, I guess.

An aside: don't you regular runners out there just roll your eyes at those friggin' people who seemingly qualify at will on their first attempt at the distance? Sheesh. There should be a separate qualifying round for folks like that because, clearly, the BQ standards are too easy for the blessed...

Anyway, I've been confined to the elliptical machine since early February. Taking two weeks completely off made no difference to the sprained foot and just drove me stir crazy. So it's been an hour or more every day, early in the morning, since then, usually watching Fresh Prince of Bel Air reruns. I've had enough of Will Smith!

So yesterday scheduling issues, and the first really beautiful Spring day of 2014, conspired to shove me out the door for my first run in a long long time. 5km and the foot, though not 100%, seems to be OK with it. So the plan is now to keep up the torture of the elliptical and sprinkle in a 5km run now and then. It's a "see how it goes" training plan!

Fuck me...

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Blogger Nelly said...

Fresh Prince of Bel Air - lol!

Bummer about the recovery, hopefully it speeds up.

I've been actually running really well recently, got a 8K and 5K PR in march during the same race, then broke my 5K PR last week. Next up is Bay to Breakers in late May, I think I have a shot at breaking my Bay to Breakers PR too. For me the main change was changing my footstrike to midfoot, and running in Newtons (or any midfoot style low heel drop running shoe).

May 1, 2014 at 3:54 PM  

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