Sunday, December 29, 2013

Another Banner Week

It's the end of the last full week of the year, and with it I am almost through my second month of (almost) daily running. My goal, as stated previously, is to finally build a proper base by trying my best to hit 100km every week or so. I recognize that this is not an easy task for someone who tends to suffer overuse injuries, but at the same time it is not that outrageous to think that, if I am smart going about it, I can achieve both this goal and with it the accompanying benefits in my running overall.

So, with the power outage that we were subject to for the first couple of days of this past week my plans as far as running goes were in serious danger of getting derailed. In amongst all the Christmas stress and prep I was not going to let myself down and miss any running, though with a bit of a cold and a very sore throat I found it difficult at times to get out the door. Also, I had to hit the treadmill a couple of times because I simply had no hot water to shower with at home on account of the power outage that started the week and it was very cold outside.

The week started off with a ten miler on the old hamster wheel, then it was all I could do to manage 12km each day the rest of the week until the weekend. The final run, my usual 20km effort, was the toughest by far as I had a very tough time dragging my ass out of bed and was suffering from very low energy. But, in the end, I toughed it out and hit my mileage goal for yet another week.

The total for the week was 100.25km (62.3 miles) on 8hr50m57s of running. I'm up to 433.4km for the month on 30 runs over 29 days. I haven't checked, but I'm sure that blows my previous monthly total record out of the water. Guess that's what running daily will do!
  • Monday: 16km (treadmill), 1:23:10, 5:10/km, 140bpm (at least the gym had power)
  • Tuesday: 12km (treadmill), 1:00:11, 5:00/km, 145bpm (progression run of sorts to ease the boredom)
  • Wednesday: 12km, 1:08:09, 5:41/km, 139bpm (sore throat, slippery and sloppy, snowing out...)
  • Thursday: 12km, 1:01:09, 5:06/km, 144bpm (felt better and better as I ran, but throat still very sore)
  • Friday: 13km, 1:07:12, 5:10/km, 146bpm (low on energy, slippery out, but toughed out a decent run)
  • Saturday: 15.1km, 1:25:01, 5:36/km, 136bpm (group run, stuck to the pace of another runner who was suffering a bit)
  • Sunday: 20km, 1:46:04, 5:18/km, 137bpm (sidewalks a total disaster, energy really low, a tough run mentally as much as anything, surprised by averaged HR given how I felt)

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same here, we had no power for 30 hours, no light, no heat, no cooking... As a result, I couldn't run on the 22nd, after a 43-day-streak, because we were sitting with the kids in warm places... Upon regrouping, I managed 111 kilometres this week but loath winter, though, too much ice...

December 30, 2013 at 7:39 PM  

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