Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Baby Got Setback

I suppose this was inevitable given the way things were going, but it still disappoints me very much to post yet another report of my general wonkiness. After my tough PMP run on Sunday, wherein it was made clear that a BQ pace at this time is simply not possible, I was feeling a bit run down on Monday. This was OK since Monday is an day off from running and I was just going to the gym for my regular routine of leg weights that I've been calling "maintenance" and keeping rather on the light side.

Things were fine for the whole session until I got to the last set of Adductors. Two or three reps into the last set I felt a twinge and pulled the chute. I wish I'd never started that last set! Of course, hind sight is blah blah blah and all that, but really the signs were there if I'd looked. My lower abs had been rather tight on the right side for a long time. It didn't stop me from running because it didn't affect it, but I guess what it did do was prevent me from stretching appropriately each evening. Coupled with how busy things have gotten since May with all of the boys' baseball games and such keeping us out until late each night, affecting my diet to the negative and making it very difficult to get proper sleep, and I really did not manage to stay on the stretching routine whatsoever.

Ultimately, my groin gave out. I am hobbled to say the least and just trying to think of the positives as I missed my first run of the 18-week training plan this morning (16km General Aerobic) and will likely be missing more. I can't move my leg in almost any direction without pain, some of it mild, some of it completely debilitating. When I bike the saddle presses against a particularly sore spot and I'm guessing that what I have created is some sort of tendon strain wherever the muscles of the groin attach to the pelvis. Putting on shoes while sitting down is damn near impossible! Lifting my leg up onto the bike pedal likewise. Sneezing hurts like hell.

Anyway, it is what it is. The only positive I can take out of this is that the pain I've been experiencing in my heels will now be given a chance to fix itself. Perhaps another is that this happened early enough in the marathon training cycle and, if this proves to be a relatively short recovery period, I shouldn't lose too much fitness. I'll still continue to go to the gym for upper body weights since doing nothing always infuriates me to no end. This is not one of those injuries that I can even contemplate running through, and I've run through a lot of different ailments.

It's the start of what can only be called a "holding pattern" until the pain goes away. Then I'll be faced with the decision on whether to jump back into the training plan or work my way back up more conservatively.



Blogger Nelly said...

Oh no, sorry to hear that. I don't know the exact treatment plan for a groin strain, but I think the only thing that helps it is rest. That is one of the hardest areas to recover I think, because a lot of things can aggravate it.

Yea, at least it happened early on during marathon training, you still have a long way to go towards your marathon in October. It did seem like your marathon pace run Sunday was tough. I guess that is your body telling you to take it easy - when you feel better you likely need to dial back the pace a bit, and I'm not sure if you can jump right back into the 18/55 plan. Maybe you can multiple the training plan by 90% or 80%?

Good luck with recovery, hopefully you are back on the roads soon.

June 28, 2011 at 12:40 PM  
Blogger Vava said...

Sage advice Nelly. I will definitely scale back my marathon pace goal as BQ is just out of the realm of possibility right now. My heart rate was way too high during that run! And as far as getting back to the plan, starting in with less mileage is one thought. I'm also thinking less intensity will be required - turning Lactate Threshold runs into General Aerobic, reducing hill training, etc. I think all of that had an impact on my injury.

June 28, 2011 at 2:20 PM  
Blogger Nelly said...

Yea, I'm no expert on knowing your body, but it seemed like right when your marathon training started that your mileage and intensity both went up. Seems like it is dangerous to have both of these rise at the same time. Not saying that this alone caused your injury, but it seems like your body was under more stress than before. Maybe your body was asking for more rest after that run on Sunday.

I guess if it's one thing I've learned while I've been injured is that caution is the better part of valor. I'd rather go easier and live to fight another day than to be injured again. I'm still not sure when I can run again, but I am definitely going to take it easy out there. Godspeed on your recovery.

June 28, 2011 at 4:32 PM  

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