Friday, October 1, 2010

September Month in Review

This month will always be remembered as the time when I became a marathoner! Sure, the race didn't go exactly as I'd hoped, but I did finish and I am already back to running (did a nice easy 4km this morning to get back to running and to start off October on the right foot). As my profile blurb states, loftier goals await and I am excited for what 2011 will bring as far as running goes.

The rest of this year will be devoted to improving my overall strength in the weight room, and in particular in the leg department. I will, of course, be running to maintain an acceptable level of fitness, but I am not training for any specific race and can take a bit of a mental break as a result. I would like to average somewhere around 40-50km per week for the rest of the year, though even that modest distance goal may be a bit aggressive based on my running history and I may have to back off a bit in the end. We'll see...

September was my lowest mileage month since April as it was really devoted to getting healthy for the marathon. I am still happy with the mileage, however, especially given the right heal issues that I was dealing with after returning from holidays at the beginning of the month.

The details:

  • Ran 176.70km in September (no specific goal, just getting healthy)
  • Averaged 41.23km/week (25.6 miles/week)
  • Total for the year is 1769.7km (1099 miles) as of the end of September 



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