After my tweaked knee during Monday's squat session I was a bit worried about how the running for the rest of the week would be affected. I wore a patellar strap for both Tuesday's 10k and Wednesday's 15k runs, but today I felt confident enough to venture out with it on. I did not do any leg weights yesterday choosing the conservative route, but I did manage a brief core session. Must continue working on the core...

After dropping the boys off at school on account of the schoolbusses being cancelled due to the G20 Summit for the entire city (what a crock!) I headed out in the warm, slightly breezy, but not humid conditions for my run. It ended up starting off a bit faster than my typical runs and I kept up the pace for the entire duration, slowing only on the way back up the hill on Jones Avenue where I definitely spiked the old heart rate. The loop was something similar to Wednesday morning's run as I ran towards the lake and then ran along the boardwalk at Ashbridges Bay. This time I kept to the trails in the park for a much longer portion and had a great time running all the way out to the western point before turning around and heading home. In the end I managed
15km at a decent pace. The knee was fine, although I think my body is starting to tell me that my next recovery week couldn't come soon enough. Luckily it starts after Sunday's long run so the timing is good.
I have inched up over the 200km mark for the month and am on track to hit my goals for June.
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