Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Body Knows Best - Dropping to the Half

Well, it looks like my body will be the one who decides whether I run the Full or the Half in September. In fact, it will decide whether or not I run at all! This morning I went out for what was supposed to be a nice, easy 10k and had another setback. I was having a great time running along, minding my own business. The pace was not concerning me too much and I just ran on feel. It was just fun to be running properly again, and I took advantage of it. Also, I got out before work (which is a rare thing indeed for me) since I was preparing to help my Dad move some heavy old radiator down the front steps of his house to the curb. He'd arranged for someone to pick it up there, but they couldn't bring it down since their crane was not long enough. I was a little concerned about injuring myself while trying to move this 300lb cast iron thing, but I never would have suspected that I'd be hobbled long before I had that chance.

As I was crossing the Bloor St. Viaduct (that's the main bridge that crosses over the Don Valley and connects Bloor St. to Danforth Ave.) I felt a sudden sharp pain in my right calf that stopped me in my tracks. It came totally out of the blue, and is the exact same thing that I felt last Wednesday when I had to abort my interval workout. Now I am faced with the prospect of missing at least a week of running right in the middle of marathon training. Or perhaps I should start calling it half-marathon training...

BTW: thank you to all those who left helpful and insightful comments on my last post. It is very good to hear from experienced runners that my train of thought on this matter is rational and sound. I agree that there is a lot of value in just finishing a marathon (though I cannot speak from experience, of course), but given my history of bouncing from one ailment to another it's simply prudent to do the shorter race. Another year of running will give me the base I need to train and complete the marathon strong.

I guess my decision can be summarized by the phrase, "Respect the distance." I do.

I managed to complete 7.75km in 41:16.52 for an average pace of 5:18/km (8:32/mile). It was a good run up until that last metre! I ended up walking slowly to the end of the bridge and then using a payphone to make a collect call (a local one and all!) to Monica to plead for a pick up. She did, and I didn't have to walk all the way home. (Monica and Malcolm, if you are reading this, Thank you!) Now facing the prospect of at least a week off, and perhaps more, I am pretty bummed out...

Garmin don't lie.

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Blogger Mel-2nd Chances said...

tough decision, but respecting the distance is definitely the smart thing to do. Hope the calf heals up quickly for you, get the rest and recovery you need.

July 30, 2009 at 9:39 AM  
Blogger Andrew(ajh) said...

That is a sound decision!

July 31, 2009 at 6:36 AM  
Blogger chris mcpeake said...

Injuries really suck. Better to play it safe tho as you dont want to make things worse.

Hey there are still payphones in Toronto? really? Ones that work?

At least you were not tempted to use the "special" phones at the end of the bridge

July 31, 2009 at 8:52 AM  
Blogger Andrew is getting fit said...

Sounds like you've the right decision for your circumstances.

August 4, 2009 at 10:13 PM  

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