WWell, things are moving in the right direction, I think. After last weekend's Ultimate tournament, wherein yours truly played five games in two days (four on the Saturday alone), drank too much booze, and slept max 2 hours each night, things were likely to be a bit strange this week as I tried to get back into training.
Sure enough, Tuesday morning I was to run 7-9km and chose, wisely, the lower end of that range. It was quite slow, very stiff, and all of the various aches and pains were magnified in the early morning hour. I did feel a bit better as the run progressed, but this run was THE definition of recovery.
Wednesday morning I once again chose the lower end of the 5-6km range and things were going quite nicely until the last kilometre. The aches and pains were less and I was running much more smoothly, but then I felt a sharp pain in the upper right quad/groin that gave me pause for concern. I finished the run, but the rest of the day I was in quite a bit of discomfort. Not good. Didn't know if stretching was the right course of action, didn't want to take pain killers to mask the pain, so I just muddled through the day.
Thursday would normally be a leg weight training day, but I decided to skip the legs and instead do some more upper body on account of the quad thing. Although I woke up pretty much pain free, by the afternoon the pain was creeping back into the region. I did do a bit of stretching and that seemed to help, but by bedtime I was concerned that my Friday morning run would be compromised.
That brings us up to date, and this morning I gingerly set off on my prescribed 7-9km run. I wasn't sure how my leg would react or how far I'd be able to go. Concentrating on keeping things slow and easy and, in particular, making sure that my stride was short kept me safe and I managed to complete 9km none the worse for wear.
So, that's the way the recovery after the Ultimate tournament is likely to go for a bit longer. Seems that my body has a few surprises in store and the aches and pains move around a bit. I guess as long as this continues I can't be too unhappy given that nothing has been a major issue, though it does enforce the whole running slow and easy ethos under which I have been training since the start of the year. I do look forward to something other than slow plodding, however, and have hope that in the coming weeks I will be able to start some basic mile repeats and the like.
Labels: injury, running