Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Slip and Slop

Well, that was just about the slowest, slipperiest, weirdest run ever! Went out for the usual (of late) 5km run this morning and, although the temperature hovered above freezing all night, the film of goo left behind from a recent snowfall made the City into a sloppy ice rink. First time I tried crossing a street I completely froze my right foot with watery slush, and that was only about a hundred metres into the run.

It went about the same the rest of the way with my pace hovering in the death walk at the end of my first marathon region. It wasn't because I was dying, just because I was afraid of falling with every step!

Anyway, it is done. Hope the black ice clears away before my next run on Thursday morning...

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Friday, January 25, 2013

Die is Cast

Just a quick post to commemorate being another $107CDN and change poorer. Why?

Signed up for the Toronto Waterfront Marathon!!!

Wonky extremities don't fail me now (and to be more precise, before October 20th, 2013)...

With that in mind, and perhaps I take too much pleasure in coming up with these things, I have created the bare bones of a training plan for said Marathon already. It's short on miles, and long on prevention. Like a new set of winter tires...

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Monday, January 21, 2013


Week 2 of Pittsburgh Half Marathon training completed. I was a bit of a suck yesterday and decided to skip the outdoors to avoid the wind and cold, choosing instead to head to the gym and the dreadmill. Have decided to run/walk my way through this training plan and re-evaluate after the race so doing  4 minutes run / 30 seconds walk from now on.

Happy to report that the treadmill still sucks ass. What a boring pursuit running becomes when done on one of those things! I don't care what's available for distraction, the bloody thing just slows down time like nothing else. If I lived on a treadmill I'm certain I'd make it to 150...

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Hatching a Plan

Well, it's been a while and yours truly has been ruminating and contemplating and riding the roller coaster of general malaise that comes with one ever so partial to injuries both small and less than small. In short, I've been thinking about running. In brief, I actually have been running, but it's been so pathetic that I've found it difficult to document said running attempts.

Nevertheless, the Earth has not stopped spinning as, as per my one and only resolution, I shall keep trying.

With that in mind, behold a new Training Plan! It's a beginners plan with much easiness built in that I stole off of the first site that popped up on Googler when I did a search with some things called "keywords" that I have since forgotten, but I'm sure included "for the injury prone", which is just super. Although it is not clear, this plan also comes with a (yet to be registered for) race!

Pittsburgh Half Marathon, May 5, 2013!

I figured another trip to PNC Park for some baseball was in order after last year's great experience, and since this fine weekend coincides with the above Half Marathon it was a natural fit, like boxers, and very unlike boxer briefs, which are most decidedly the Devil's work...

Now I just have to pull the trigger on the registration. I've booked the hotel, but that can be cancelled for free, so...

Onward, and blah blah blah...

UPDATE: Disregard that statement about still having to register (and everything else, for that matter). I am now $108USD poorer! Lousy service charges...

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Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Resolution Time

I resolve to keep trying.

That is all...
