Friday, March 6, 2009

Running Home, Slowing Myself Down

Today I was once again able to make my now regular Friday 7km run from work to home. I love this run for all sorts of reasons, and today was extra cool for two more: it was super warm out (the Weather Network claimed we hit a high of 18C, which is a record for this date by 4 degrees!) and my wife came by at lunch and picked up my backpack so I could run free and easy. Bonus on both counts!

The foot is continuing to be the issue that it has been for the past 6 months, but I am hoping that flare up after last weekend's long run is just a blip on the radar. I am using this stuff called Anti-Flamme to try and keep the plantar fascia nice and limber and it's working quite well. It's a herbal ointment that seems to really work for me as it warms up the area where it is applied and helps to take away pain as well. I've tried several anti-inflammatory type herbal remedies over the years and this one seems to work best so I would recommend giving it a try if you can find it (not available at your run of the mill pharmacy).

As far as the run went, it was as good as I could have hoped it would be. I ran really easily and tried my best to go slow, but not so slow that it forced me to change my regular comfortable form. I find that when I run too slow I actually end up bouncing up and down more than I would like, thereby doing more damage than good. As a result, I focused on running easily and on making sure that my heart rate was not going up too high, indicating that I was pushing too hard. I completed the 7km in 37:23 at an average pace of 5:20/km (8:35/mile). My average heart rate was right in the correct range at 144bpm and I would say that the whole run was at that desirable "conversational" level of exertion. At one point my wife caught up to me on her bike and we chatted for a bit, so I had that as proof of the above.

Another cool thing is that I passed another guy who seemed to be running home from work as well as he had a backpack on. Perhaps I'll see him again sometime. The opportunity to say hello and find out for sure did not materialize, but if I ever find myself running by him I'll try and ask if he actually was running home from work. It's a great way to commute, that's for sure!

We'll see what the foot feels like tomorrow, but this evening it seems to be holding up OK. I hope I can say the same tomorrow when I wake up.

Garmin don't lie.

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Blogger Marci said...

Great job on the run! I hope your foot behaves! Have a great weekend vava!

March 6, 2009 at 11:43 PM  
Blogger X-Country2 said...

Nice run. Hopefully you get a chance to make a new runner friend.

March 7, 2009 at 12:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice run. Glad to see you're feeling better.

March 7, 2009 at 7:16 AM  
Blogger BeachRunner said...

Nice job. Hope you continue to feel good!

March 7, 2009 at 3:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Nice run! I hope your foot works itself out soon

March 8, 2009 at 12:34 PM  

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