Thursday, March 5, 2009

Acting Conservatively, Feeling Guilty

I'd say it's fair to place me left of centre as far as most things go, liberal if you will. So it is not in my nature to play anything on the conservative side (except when it comes to money, where I am ultra risk averse). Last night I was all set to go for my planned 6k run, had the Garmin primed to go, shoes lined up, the whole bit. Then, at the last minute, I totally bailed on the run on account of the soreness in my foot and felt appropriately guilty for the rest of the evening. Earlier in the day I called my physio and now have an appointment to see her, but not until March 25th since she is away for three weeks (bummer!). I could have run since the pain is what I would describe as manageable, but I didn't because I was worried that if I did run then my planned 20k this weekend would have been jeopardized. I am determined to keep running, whatever it takes (and I think it will take slowing way down).

Naturally I am a little depressed by this whole thing and hope that this wonky appendage fixes itself in short order. It is curious that I am left leaning in most things and that all my issues seem to be localized to the right foot/ankle. Shouldn't it be my left ankle and foot that cause all the issues since I am "leaning" in that direction? Anyway, I didn't run and hate that like you wouldn't believe.

Today I decided that another pool running experiment was in order and I headed over at lunch for a half-hour of struggling up and down the lane. It was fun, I guess, but as I "ran" I thought to myself that there was no way in hell anything approaching a "runner's high" was likely to occur when performing this type of exercise. I just hope it helps me get back to running.

Tomorrow I am planning on running home from work again, but will definitely make it super slow. I think I've been going too fast for this foot recently, even though my pace is nothing to write home about. That's why I have to see the physio to see what can be done so that I can start running faster and not just longer.

Tonight I also did another strength routine. I think I have to up the reps on the sit ups and push ups, but the chin ups are still pretty hard. The squats are not difficult, but I am afraid of doing too much too soon given the whole wonky appendage issue(s).

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Blogger Felice Devine said...

Oh no! I hope the foot is OK and you're able to get in the 20k this weekend!

March 5, 2009 at 10:15 PM  
Blogger FLYERS26 said...

It was a good move.
I would have ran, and done more harm than good!
I only ran 5.7 today, and I sooo wanted to run longer, but I am just starting to feel better, and didn't want to push it.

March 5, 2009 at 10:24 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

You likely made a good choice. I always tend to try and run through things. I guess that might be why I'm injured. Hope the foot works itself out.g

March 5, 2009 at 10:39 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Always tough to know the difference between being "hurt" and being "injured." Interesting how runners tend to err on being not cautious enough.

Hope it heals up.

March 6, 2009 at 6:43 AM  
Blogger Aron said...

that was a very smart move... no need to push it and reinjur yourself. resting up for the long run was the way to go.

March 6, 2009 at 5:18 PM  

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