What the Snail?!
So, it's been a whole Summer pretty much. I've been injured (that is NOT news) and am most definitely mired in a funk. My abdominal strain/muscle tear seems to have healed, but now I am suffering from a major case of runner's knee on the left side. It's a real bitch, and I think I might have a case of Rafael Nadalitis from an awkward landing back in early June when trying out boldering at a local indoor rock climbing facility. However, I've been so injury prone of late I have not sought out medical advice for this problem because I now feel like I'm wasting everybody's time...
Oh well. Such is life. Well, my life anyway. At least I can bench press a lot of weight! That won't help me in my quest to BQ, but WTS. (Not WTF, since I have children.)
Labels: injury