Sunday, October 11, 2009


First, let me wish everyone a most Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!

But boy, did this Fall ever turn out different than I envisioned it! Not only did my marathon plans fall by the wayside, but now I can't even spend Thanksgiving with my family (who are in Ottawa as I type). My surgery of two Friday's ago seemed to have gone according to plan. Last weekend was painful, but I was assured that this was to be expected. However, by Wednesday the pain was increasing rather than dissipating and I, on the sober advice of my lovely wife, called the surgeon to see if he would see me just to make sure all was well.

It's a good thing I went in earlier than the previously scheduled post-op check up. Turns out my body decided to throw me a curve and I had a blood clot in my leg that was making things nearly unbearable as far as pain goes. I am now on anti-coagulants, or more commonly referred to as "blood thinners" (and I am told that this is the same stuff that is in rat poison!) though they don't actually thin the blood. I am not allowed to walk any distance other than puttering around the house. I also had to inject myself with a series of syringes that are now, mercifully, finished. I won't complain about this for I know that many have to give themselves injections on a regular basis, but it was a strange and unpleasant experience to say the least. Every nerve in my body, all of my instincts, told me to not plunge that needle into my stomach when I held it at the ready. I persevered, and now will just have to take pills for the next three to six months and be extremely careful not to cut myself.

Anyway, long story short, I still can't walk or stand without tremendous shooting pain in my leg, and running is the furthest thing from my mind. Here' s hoping the next installment is of the happier variety.


Friday, October 2, 2009

Post-Op Report

I had the surgery this morning and now I am home, somewhat in pain, but none the worse for wear I guess. The procedure took about an hour and it all went as described except for one part. The shots of anaesthetic were the only truly painful parts, but then at one point it felt like the back of my leg, from the butt all the way down, went into a mega cramp. I told the surgeon about this and he stopped what he was doing until the sensation dissipated. It was very strange and painful. What might have happened is that a nerve was irritated and that's what I actually felt. Cramping was not really happening since the muscles never tightened up or anything, but it was the complete lack of control that was the worst part. Normally with a cramp you can shift your position, stand up, whatever to try and get rid of it. I wasn't able to move an inch and so had absolutely no way to get rid of the pain. I just had to grin an bear it. After a few uncomfortable minutes it went away and the surgeon was able to proceed. Now I just feel like someone was punching me repeatedly in the back of the calf. Weird...

Here's hoping that the weekend goes well and I am back on my feet pain-free by Monday.
